Treatment of Vascular Birthmarks with Laser Therapies

Treatment of Vascular Birthmarks with Laser Therapies

It is not uncommon for babies to be born with vascular birthmarks. In fact, approximately ten percent of babies born in the United States have some form of birthmark when they arrive. These birthmarks are essentially bunched blood vessels that appear on the skin as either a flat or raised mark in red, pink, or blue. Because these can form on embarrassing areas of the body, including the face, many patients later seek treatment to remove them. When cosmetics alone are unable to cover unsightly marks on the skin, we encourage patients to visit Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California to learn about solutions such as laser therapies for vascular birthmarks.

Types of birthmarks

The most common types of birthmarks including port wine stains, which are visible at birth and may become thick or bumpy over time. Without treatment, these birthmarks are permanent. Another type of birthmark is the hemangioma, which can develop after a few weeks. Both of these can be treated with laser to reduce their appearance. Typically the earlier the birthmarks are treated, the better the results.

Laser treatment

With laser treatment sessions, patients will notice gradual improvement of the darkness and severity of their vascular birthmarks. We use a variety of lasers in our practice depending on the type of birthmark and the patient’s skin. We encourage patients to ask about our before and after photos to show the dramatic difference these laser therapies can make!


Dr. Suzanne L. Kilmer of Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California offers patients in the Sacramento area a variety of treatment options for enhancing the skin and body. If you are interested in treating Port Wine Stain birthmarks or hemangiomas, we welcome you to book a consultation visit with our staff today. We can be reached at (916) 456-0400 and accept new patients in our facility at 3835 J Street. We service patients in and around the areas of Sacramento, El Dorado Hills, Folson, Roseville, and Davis.

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