At the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California, we provide a wide selection of treatment options for patients in and around the community of Sacramento, CA. Our practice provides surgical treatments as well as non-surgical alternatives for a variety of concerns. For patients who are unhappy with their double chin, known as submental fullness, treatment is just a few injections away with the use of an FDA-approved medication known as Kybella.
What is Kybella?
Kybella is a specialized injection that is formulated with deoxycholic acid. This acid, when introduced into areas where fat cells are present, will break down the fat cells so the body can absorb them naturally over time. With Kybella, patients can have strategic injections administered into the excess fat underneath the chin to combat the appearance of the double chin. Over the course of several weeks and months, the fat cells are broken down and absorbed.
Why choose Kybella?
Kybella is a simple yet effective way for patients to enhance their appearance without needing to undergo more invasive cosmetic surgeries. The results are gradual, which ensures a more natural change to the profile. Patients do not have to schedule any downtime from work, or other activities, and can still address the excess fat that makes them feel self-conscious about their appearance. Kybella is the only injectable for submental fullness that has been cleared by the FDA as being both safe and effective.
Book an appointment today to learn more about Kybella
Take charge of unsightly excess fat in the chin area with Kybella injections. Request a visit with our doctors in Sacramento, California to discuss your needs with our team. Patients can call the office at (916) 456-0400 and visit personally at 3835 J Street.