How PRP Can Be Used for the Treatment of Hair Thinning and Loss

How PRP Can Be Used for the Treatment of Hair Thinning and Loss

When patients are faced with hair thinning and loss, they may believe that hair transplants are the only way to address it. However, with the help of the team at Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California, patients don’t have to let hair loss impact their appearance. Our team encourages men and women to ask about solutions such as PRP.

What is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet rich plasma. It refers to the plasma that is currently present in your own blood. The plasma is extracted from a sample of blood from the patient. This is done with a centrifuge which spins elements of the blood out and apart, allowing the doctor to extract platelet rich plasma. Then, this PRP is injected into the scalp where hair thinning and loss has become a problem. The best way to describe it is as a fertilizer. To help grass grow thick and green, fertilizer can be placed on the grass to give it the nutrients it needs to grow. The same can be said for PRP with hair thinning and loss. The element of PRP can help stimulate growth and allow patients to regrow hair in a way they have not been able to do in the past.

Does PRP Work?

PRP works well for patients who are experiencing thinning and loss of hair on the scalp. Additionally, it can be combined with other treatments such as topical creams and oral supplements. By combining different treatment modalities, patients will experience improvements to their thinning and lost hair without having to undergo hair transplant procedures.

Find out How PRP Can Help You Restore Your Hair!

If you are seeking hair loss solutions in the area of Sacramento, California, we encourage you to book a visit with our staff today at the Laser & Skin Surgery Center for Northern California. We are here to help and can provide you with the information you need to make an educated decision in regards to the options available. Call (916) 456-0400 to schedule an appointment at the practice conveniently located at 3835 J Street.

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