What is Earlobe Repair?

Earlobe repair is a surgical procedure to restore stretched or damaged earlobes. Patients who have stretched earlobes from heavy earrings, gauges or injury may benefit from surgical earlobe repair.

Earlobe Repair Treatment

How it Works

Loboplasty is the technical term for reshaping and resizing the earlobe. It is a relatively simple procedure that is done in our office under local anesthesia.

After the local anesthesia is injected, the edges of the split are renewed with a surgical instrument. The earlobe is then reconstructed with sutures as the doctor works to restore the original shape.



There may be some minimal discomfort after your procedure, which can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication. The sutures are removed after about seven days.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does earlobe repair cost?

The cost of earlobe repair depends on the complexity of the case. Our surgeon will consult with you before any treatment is performed to determine your exact costs.

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