Chemical Peels provide a wide range of Improvements for the Skin

Chemical Peels provide a wide range of Improvements for the Skin

When patients are struggling with poor skin texture and tone, they may be unsure as to the ways in which they can improve it. They may be dealing with problems such as large pores, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, and the unwanted signs of aging. With the use of treatments such as chemical peels, patients in and around the area of Sacramento, California can achieve healthier, youthful looking skin in just one appointment. At the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California, patients are encouraged to speak to our team about solutions such as this.

What is a chemical peel?

Chemical peels are performed at our MediSpa and use specialized ingredients to stimulate skin cell turnover. Our peels vary in aggressiveness, ensuring patients have a variety of treatment options to choose from to achieve their skin goals. Chemical peels may be mild, allowing patients to return to their normal activities immediately following their treatment, or may be more aggressive, requiring patients to take a few days of social downtime to allow the healing process to occur. We encourage patients to ask about the various types and brands of chemical peels we offer, including:

  • SkinCeuticals Micropeel
  • SkinMedica peels
  • Nia24 Cellular Resurfacing peels

During an initial consultation appointment with our team, patients can point out to our estheticians the concerns they have regarding their skin texture and tone, and decide which treatment may be most appropriate to achieve the results they desire.

Interested in discussing treatment of the skin with chemical peels?

Contact the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California today to speak to one of our many providers about chemical peels for skin enhancement. We welcome new and existing patients in the area of Sacramento, CA to book an appointment by calling our front office team at (916) 456-0400, and visiting the practice at 3835 J Street.

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