What are Brown spots?
Brown spots (pigmented lesions) are caused by a proliferation of melanocytes or an increased deposition of melanin in the dermis and/or epidermis. Melanocytes are the cells that manufacture melanin, which is the dark pigment in skin. Most of us have some pigmented lesions in one form or another. They include brown spots (lentigines), freckles (ephileds), moles (nevi), birthmarks, or Dermatosis Papulosis Nigra (small black marks primarily seen on people of Asian or African descent). Different lesions require different lasers and a number of treatments. Our team of board certified dermatologists will help you choose the best treatment for your individual needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are laser treatments safe for brown spots?
Lasers were originally used as medical instruments for the treatment of nevi and tattoos in the early 1960s. Since then, lasers have been safely and effectively used by many specialties, including dermatology and plastic surgery, for a wide range of treatments. In the hands of a trained healthcare professional, the use of a laser is safe and effective. If a patient has a family or personal history of melanoma, treatment of nevi must be done carefully, if at all.
Treatment sessions for brown and age spots
The number of treatment sessions depends on the size, location, depth, and color of your lesion. Age and sun spots generally do well with one or two treatments, while darker or deeper birthmarks may require additional treatments. However, as many as six to eight treatment sessions may be required for some lesions. Treatments are usually four to eight weeks apart to allow your body to remove the maximum amount of pigment cells. You will continue to see a lightening of your lesion after each treatment, as your body disposes of the pigment cells.
Benefit of using a laser over excisional surgery
Surgical removal of a lesion requires cutting out the entire area, which often leaves a scar and, if the area is too large, complete excision may not be possible. Most patients will see a dramatic improvement. However, as with any surgical procedure, there is always a possibility that only minor changes will occur, and in rare cases, there is no response.
Are treatments painful?
Some patients say they feel a slight sting, like the snap of a rubber band on the skin, followed by the feeling of sunburn. Many treatments do not require anesthetics, but some patients feel more comfortable with a local numbing agent like ice or anesthetic cream. For others, a local anesthetic injection may be beneficial.
How does the laser work for brown spot treatment?
A laser generates a beam of intense, concentrated light. This beam of light brings energy to a specific site, through a small handpiece connected to the laser. For pigmented lesions, we use a laser that is absorbed by melanin/pigment (black or brown pigment found in the skin), causing destruction of unwanted cells while leaving healthy cells intact.